Current By-Laws

Bylaws Amendment Passed
Scroll Down to read Bylaws adopted by NPECA membership on September 10, 2020

Bylaws Amendment granting voting rights to Associate Board Member Representatives and minor changes to clean up inconsistencies in arrangement, formatting, and grammar.

Members in attendance at the Annual Meeting held Thursday, September 10, 2020, met the qualifications of the Association's Bylaws thereby constituting a quorum. Members present voted unanimously IN FAVOR of the amendment recommended by the Bylaws Committee to provide representative votes for the NPECA Payments and Commercial Credit Associate Membership categories.

Effective immediately, Associate Member representatives from Payments and Commercial Credit may vote on all issues and agenda items at NPECA Board of Director meetings.
Associate Members now have a voice at the board table through representation. Associate Members from both tracks may also recommend agenda items to be brought before the board through their respective Associate Member Representative.

*Associate Member Representatives are appointed by the President at the board meeting preceding each year's Annual Meeting held during Opening Ceremonies of the Annual Conference. Associate Member Representatives serve for one (1) year and may be appointed to no more than three (3) consecutive years.

THANK YOU, Bylaws Committee Members:

  • Terra Bovee, Murphy USA
  • Dan Christian, Growmark, Inc.
  • James Stroud, Control Scan


as confirmed by member vote at the September 10, 2020 Annual Meeting of


This 501(c)(6) nonprofit corporation shall be known as the National Petroleum Energy Credit Association, Inc (NPECA or Association).


The principal place of business is Horseshoe Bay, Texas and such other places which the Board of Directors may determine from time to time.


The Association's purposes are to promote fellowship and the common business interests of its Members, encourage the exchange of ideas of mutual benefit specific to risk management deriving from credit management and payments management functions and tasks, and discuss timely subjects of interest in the petroleum energy industry. The Association’s Mission Statement is: To present an Annual Conference providing relevant petroleum energy industry education and professional connection opportunities for risk management and payments professionals in the energy sector.


  1. Individuals who have paid their dues on a timely manner are deemed in good standing and members (Member) in this Association and possess membership (Membership) while in good standing. Any person desiring to become a Member of this Association will file an application in writing with the Executive Director who will transmit it to the chairperson of the Membership Committee.
  2. Membership in this organization shall consist of Regular, Associate, and Honorary Members as defined herein:
    • (A) Regular Member: Any person engaged in credit work (retail, wholesale, or payment systems) of petroleum energy companies, including their affiliates or subsidiaries whose principal product is a petroleum derivative will be eligible to become a Regular Member of this Association upon the terms and conditions prescribed in these By-Laws.
      • Regular Membership may be terminated when the Member ceases to be engaged in petroleum energy credit or payment systems work, or fails to pay dues and assessments within sixty (60) days of the date on which the same became due and payable, or for any conduct likely to endanger the welfare of this Association, and will be subject to suspension or cancellation of membership by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
    • (B) Associate Member: Any employee of a service company or organization engaged in or responsible for providing credit support, credit reporting, collection services, or payment professional services to the petroleum energy industry will be eligible to become an Associate Member of this Association subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by these By-Laws without holding office.
      • Associate Membership may be terminated when the Member ceases to be an employee of an active service provider company, or fails to pay dues and assessments within sixty (60) days of the date on which the same became due and payable, or for any conduct likely to endanger the welfare of this Association, and will be subject to suspension or cancellation of membership by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
    • (C) Honorary Member: The Board of Directors, at its discretion by two-thirds majority vote, may elect as an Honorary Member, exempt from the payment of annual membership dues, individuals whom it deems deserving of the honor. Honorary Members will be entitled to all the courtesies and privileges of Regular Members with the exception of voting or holding office. Not less than five (5) nor more than ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled annual conference, the Executive Director of the Association will mail or email to all Honorary Members of record an invitation to attend the annual conference.


  1. Membership dues shall be paid annually by each Member. The amount of the annual membership dues can only be changed by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  2. Assessments may be levied by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Conference registration fees and annual Membership dues shall not be considered as assessments.


  1. The officers will consist of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary (Officers).
  2. The Board of Directors will consist of the Immediate Past President, the Officers, and eight (8) Directors at Large.


  1. The Board and Association shall conduct its affairs through four standing committees, strategic initiatives, task forces or ad hoc committees as may be established by these By-Laws or by the Board of Directors. The President will appoint all standing committee chairs and co-chairs by pairing officers and board members.


  1. Meetings of the Members of the Association shall be held annually (Annual Meeting) at the time and place recommended by the Conference Site Selection Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.


  1. All meetings of the Association shall be governed by parliamentary law in accordance with the provisions of Robert's Rules of Order.
  2. These By-Laws may be amended by majority vote of those Members present at any Annual Meeting, provided that the full text of the proposed amendment is submitted to all Members in writing not less than thirty (30) days prior to such Annual Meeting.


The fiscal year of the Association shall end at 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on December 31 each year.